Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Captain Frank D Centanni, KIA on Corregidor, February 17, 1945, HQ Co, 34th IR, 24th ID

Captain Frank D. Centanni, HQ Co, 34th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division, KIA at the foot of Malinta Hill, Corregidor, 2/17/1945
He is buried in Manila, Plot A Row 8 Grave 17

He was the middle child of 7 Centanni siblings (3 brothers, 3 sisters- he was the only siblings to die during WWII)
(photos courtesy of L. Bogart)

'Plaque found in the trunk of junked auto': 
"To the memory of Frank D. Centanni, First Grade Fireman of Engine 28, with the rank of Captain, Headquarters Company, 34th Infantry, Killed in Action, Leading his troops at the foot of Malinta Hill, Corregidor, February 17, 1945."

"This 1945 aerial view of Malinta Hill shows its north (photo’s left side) and western slopes (photo’s mid to right side). Much of the south western part of the hill has been pulverized into rubble. Japanese guns on Bataan had a clear view of this part of Malinta Hill."--

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